I have read more books this year than I can remember reading since I was a kid. By 31st December, the total should be 31. It’s not a vast number in comparison to a lot of avid readers, but it’s 11 more than I read last year and 7 more than I set for my Goodreads goal, so I’m pretty happy with that.

I’ve really come to enjoy the stats side of reading since I started using Goodreads in 2012 – average number of pages read, total pages, average length of time it takes me to read a book. My reading spreadsheet has been an enjoyable aside to the actual books this year, but for 2019 I’d really like to get back into writing reviews.

I like the thought of having a record of my deepest thoughts after recently finishing a book, and I’d like the opportunity to feel like I’ve really fully explored everything I picked upon when reading. I’m also hoping that it’ll give me the opportunity to talk with other book bloggers who’ve read or want to read whatever it is I’m reviewing.

So thanks for reading this surprisingly concise (for me) first post, and I hope to chat with you soon! Do leave a link to your book blogs in the comments for me to check out if you so wish! 🙂