Summer TBR

Do you ever think that certain reads are suited to certain seasons, and that you’ll get the most out of the book if you read it at the right time? I do, so here are the ones I’m hoping to prioritise over the next couple of months. Normal People by Sally Rooney This is myContinue reading “Summer TBR”

15. Kick: the true story of Kick Kennedy, JFK’s sister and the heir to Chatsworth by Paula Byrne

☆ ☆ ☆ “Kick Kennedy” – what a cool name, and surely anyone with that name must be an incredible character. In a list of the nine Kennedy siblings, she stood right out to me – her name, her birthday (one day before mine), and her untimely death. It all made for such a fascinatingContinue reading “15. Kick: the true story of Kick Kennedy, JFK’s sister and the heir to Chatsworth by Paula Byrne”

Tackling my physical TBR

I’ve never really been caught up in the numbers around the books I own, and I’ve never really been too concerned about having a physical TBR of a certain number. I only own one bookcase and I use that as a general guideline. If it starts to overflow, I’ll see if there’s anything I wantContinue reading “Tackling my physical TBR”

O.W.Ls Readathon Wrap Up

That’s it, my first readathon finished! I’ll still be posting separate reviews for the books I read – it’s my aim for 2019 after all – but here’s an overview of what I read and my experience of organising my reading in a new and communal way! Remembered by Yvonne Battle-Felton (Herbology) This was myContinue reading “O.W.Ls Readathon Wrap Up”