2019 Booket List

A couple of weeks ago after work, I got off the train and on the platform was a woman, standing, waiting, one hand on her luggage and the other hand propping a book open as she read in the middle of all the hustle and bustle. I can’t quite explain why this particular instance reallyContinue reading “2019 Booket List”

Books to read in 2019

Every reader has that stack of books they keep meaning to read next but they somehow sit getting dustier on the back burner. It’s almost hard to finally commit to reading that book, because you’ve heard so many good things and built it up to the extent that you don’t want to shatter your ownContinue reading “Books to read in 2019”

2019 Reading Goals

Reading is no exception to the flurry of fresh starts defining the month of January. There’s definitely an element of excitement to setting goals and making lists of which books you’re going to read that year, and they don’t necessarily carry the weight of obligation that New Year’s resolutions can. Here are my goals forContinue reading “2019 Reading Goals”

Finding time to read

I’ve been setting Goodreads reading goals since they began, and the first time I actually reached that goal was 2017. I always set my goal for 20 books, a nice round number and one that seems easily achievable, and last year it was the perfect number. This year I aimed for 24, an improvement withoutContinue reading “Finding time to read”

My Rating System

I’ve seen a lot of discussion online where people go into detail about what exactly each of the star ratings on Goodreads means to them, and I find it really interesting, because “three stars” gives you a general idea of enjoyment but it doesn’t tell you what those three stars are for and where theContinue reading “My Rating System”


I have read more books this year than I can remember reading since I was a kid. By 31st December, the total should be 31. It’s not a vast number in comparison to a lot of avid readers, but it’s 11 more than I read last year and 7 more than I set for myContinue reading “Hello!”